Outer Grove Company

Beard oil, beard balm, spray, and more.

Follow our journey.

We want our products to take you places, and for you to take our products places!

Use #outergrovecompany to be featured on our social media!

Looking for Your Next Beard Oil?

Search no further. We’ve got you covered.

We use 100% natural, organic, and vegan ingredients in our products so you can feel assured knowing exactly what you are putting on your beard.

“…I’d recommend it 100 times out of 100.”

-Jared O.

Local. Always.

We take pride in being a small business.

If you are interested in buying and are local to our business, we would be more than happy to arrange a delivery or pickup so you don’t have to wait for shipping. Use the form below to contact us.

You can also find us at Ways to Wellness in Downtown Midland, MI.


Get In Touch

We welcome your feedback!
