About Us

At Outer Grove, we want to improve your life.

Outer Grove Company, L.L.C. is a registered and reliable business. Established in Midland, MI in July of 2020.

We share an innate need for exploring, creating, and having quality experiences. Therefore, we strive to incorporate all of these aspects into our products.

We don’t just craft beard oil and men’s care products, we create emotion and action. Our product is meant to inspire you to go the extra mile, get things done, and experience something you never have before. That is what we are all about!

​Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions at all. We are excited to hear from everyone!

Our Mission

“To deliver a high quality product while inciting a feeling of exploration and value.”


A Message from the Founder


Welcome to Outer Grove. I'm glad you're here.

My name is Alex Sinclair. I am 22 years old and live in Midland, MI. I have a profound love for exploring and interest in self care. I am also the Founder of Outer Grove Company, in case you couldn't tell!

I am extremely thankful for you taking the time to be here. A few months ago, this company was nothing but an idea of mine, a little twinkle in the universe. I have found solace in putting my creative time and energy into this project and hope you take a look at what we have to offer. ​

I am excited to expand our line of products in the future. Check our social media for new announcements!

Again, thank you for supporting this company. Nothing would be possible without you!
