What I Learned from Growing a Beard

In the “before times”, as I call it, I was the stereotypical man when it came to self care. One stick of deodorant. One bottle of shampoo. Toothbrush. That’s about it. I didn’t have any standards.

I actually started growing a beard on accident. I was on a trip back in 2018 with Brittany to see her sister in Arizona. I panicked. I realized I forgot something very important: a razor! Instead of taking a dreaded trip to Walmart or Target, I had a very peculiar thought.

“What if I let my beard grow out?” It’s all history from there.

I used to never let my mane grow past more than a decent stubble. I was taught from the day I was able to grew facial hair that I have to shave it off or else I’d look dirty and homeless. Guess what? I believed it. I had no idea there was a vast community of bearded men out there.

During this journey of growth, I ran into roadblocks with my beard. This led me to initially discover beard oil. This was revolutionary for my progress. From there, I came across beard wash, conditioners, brushes, balms, butters, and more. You name it! I had no idea how much there was to maintaining a healthy beard. Just like most men starting out, I got many of the kits sold on sites like Amazon that include a set of oils, brushes, scissors, etc. They also become common Christmas gifts if you’re the beard guy in your friend/family group… I am that guy.

It is an understatement to say that all of these products were revolutionary for my routine and ultimately my life. I was using them everyday and actually felt good about myself in a way I never had before. I enjoyed waking up and taking on the day. I was excited to be taking care of myself and actually see results from it. That was only the beginning.

Through the process of growing my beard, I learned and incorporated these important values into my life:

  1. Self Care. Through using an assortment of products, I learned how to take care of my body physically and mentally. To take the time I needed to do things for myself. This includes things like meditating, going to the gym, consciously making healthy choices, or talking about emotions. Taking care of yourself is an investment.

  2. Patience. A beard does not grow overnight! Waiting six months to get significant growth is no joke. Just like a beard, many things are not accomplished overnight. Quality things take quality time. There is a quote that I heard once that goes “Anything worth having doesn't come easy and anything that comes easy isn’t worth having.” Think about that for a moment, and you will get what I mean.

  3. Discipline and Will-Power. It takes real dedication to achieve bearded status. Hard work and self discipline are a must, especially to overcome hurdles like itchiness. I cannot tell you how many guys I know that shaved due to discomfort. If it’s something you really want, you have to put in the effort to get it. This applies to every area of life. There is no greater feeling than being in complete control of your actions.

While it my sound silly, my beard journey was a growing process that included more than just hair. I discovered so much about myself and how I tackle everyday obstacles. I encourage any guy contemplating growing theirs to do so. You might just learn a thing or two along the way.


Why Do I Need Beard Oil?