Why Do I Need Beard Oil?

As a former novice, I too found myself asking this question.

Is it really necessary? What does it even do?

Let’s dive deeper into this.

Beard oil can make your beard go from mediocre to amazing. It is a tool that every well-groomed beards-man should keep in their arsenal!

If you are experiencing the dreaded beard-itch or dandruff, then beard oil is your best friend. When you are in this initial growing stage, these new hairs are actually growing towards your skin and poking into it. These hairs are coarse and thick and are quite different from the hair you have on your head. Also, your skin is more than likely to be extremely dry. Doesn’t sound like a good combo? You’d be exactly right!

When you apply beard oil, you are doing so much more than meets the eye. Your hair and skin is craving nutrients. This is exactly what the oil provides. As soon as you apply it, your hair soaks up the nutrients and your skin moisturizes. This promotes future healthy hair growth and should relieve you of itchiness and dryness. It may take a few applications to maximized your results.

It is important to note if you wash your beard with any kind of product, like shampoo, you are stripping it of naturally produced oil. If you do nothing to restore those stripped oils, you most likely have a dry and nutrient deprived beard.

Beard oil is comprised of two main ingredients: carrier oils and essential oils. Carrier oils are plant based oils that provide most of the nutrients. Essential oils give the product a great smell and provide different unique properties depending on what oils are used, such as alleviating stress or boosting energy levels.

An added bonus is beard oil nearly doubles as a cologne. Essential oils are extremely fragrant and last for a long time!

If you want to grow healthy beard, it is essential to make sure it gets the nutrients it needs. Neglecting your beard will only set you up for failure in the long run.

Outer Grove Company has three great beard oils to choose from. If you are thinking about getting a bottle, I would highly recommend you check out what we have in store!


What I Learned from Growing a Beard